The latest craze in the eco-friendly products industry is tote bags (also known as totes). After discovering the large amount of plastic and paper bags used in the food and retail industry, the need to use totes for shopping and carrying around items became all too clear. A tote in and of itself is an environmentally friendly item because it is reusable. Paper and plastic bags are often discarded immediately after use which is why even big name grocery stores and retailers are starting to use totes instead. But not all totes are created equal, so which totes increase their value to the environment by being made of eco-friendly material? Non Woven Bag Murah
Promotional Product Manufacturers have picked up the eco-friendly torch and transformed the world of advertising. Now adding hundreds of different products to their selection, companies now have the option of choosing from promotional products to personalize that include reusable, recycled, recyclable, and biodegradable materials. One of the most popular of those items being a wide variety of ecosystem saving tote bags.
A few examples of eco-friendly tote bags are:
Jute Bags
Jute is perhaps the most environmentally friendly material available. It is made of interwoven plant fibers that make the bag reusable and completely recyclable. Jute totes are one of the most popular types of tote bags because of their eco-friendly features and quality aesthetic appeal. Jute totes have earthy tones and a very natural looking design. Jute totes can be used in any situation, but are often brought to work as lunch or business tote bags. Tote Bag Supplier Malaysia
Cotton Bags
Cotton, like Jute, is 100% biodegradable. It is a soft, fluffy staple fiber that grows in a ball around the seeds of the cotton plant, most often spun into yarn or thread and used to make a soft, breathable textile, which is the most widely used natural-fiber cloth in clothing today. Cotton is a sifter texture than just, making it popular for trade-show tote bags, and full-color printed designs. Drawstring Bag Supplier
Non-Woven Polypropylene
Non-woven polypropylene is the new miracle fabric. It is a recyclable plastic fabric that is often used to make promotional tote bags. Non-woven polypropylene is a practical fabric because it is strong and extremely lightweight, so it is convenient to carry as well as inexpensive to ship. The fabric is also comfortable and soft; it is commonly used to make surgical masks and gowns.